Monday, December 7, 2009


I will no longer post here i've have now officially started my family blog here is the link its the same thing only now its OFFICIAL lol

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Baby Blessing

Today was Violet's Baby Blessing it was such an amazing experience for Daniel to bless his beautiful daughter we both could feel the spirit and it was just beautiful...
Afterwards we went to my in-laws and took pictures and then we had a lunch/dinner thing at my sisters and ate alot of food! lol we had a really great time with our family and we are really grateful for all their help and we loved having all of our family there at the blessing...


So this was Violets first halloween and Dan and I decided to dress her up as a Bumble Bee

Baby Pictures

I know its been awhile since i last blogged but what can i say having a newborn baby sure does keep you busy! Right now Violet is almost 2 months old!! i cant believe time flies by so fast! anyways i have a whole bunch of pictures so here we go!
My friend Lindsay took these fabulous pictures of Violet when she was 2 weeks old, this was her first time taking newborn pictures and she did a really nice job!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I still cant believe it's been a week since this beautiful angel entered our lives...
It all started tuesday i had spent the whole day having contractions non stop so around 3 p.m Daniel and I start thinking that this might be it! So we get our things packed and head towards the hospital, by this time my contractions were getting harder and closer together but as soon as we arrive to the hospital they stop,
well since we were already there we decided to get checked, so we go in and get checked they tell us I was dialated to a 3 which was improvment from last fridays check, i was only at a 1 at that time. So we head home and we are feeling exhausted we really thought that was it, i'm feeling disappointed, tired, and feeling like this baby will never come out i was already past my due date and we were just really hoping that we would get to meet our baby.
Daniel ends up going to sleep early and i stay awake till around 2 a.m then i decide to sleep, i woke up 3 1/2 hours later with killer contractions they felt just like the ones i had earlier so i didnt think much of them, i stay awake and Daniel wakes up for work i tell him to get ready fast because i really think this is it!
So we go back to the hospital they check me and i had dialated to a 5 they said i made alot of improvement and decide to admit us in, so we go to our room, by this time i was having really bad contractions, i had to squeeze Daniels hand and was pretty much yelling through them,
they prepped me up and i got an epidural, which was great till i noticed that it only numbed my right side and i could feel everything on my left they quickly got that taken care of and then we waited....
we waited forever!
It was around 9 a.m when i got the epidural, then they broke my bag at 6 p.m and then finally at 8:46 p.m baby Violet was born and she was the most beautiful thing both Daniel and I had ever seen, i got to hold her immediately after she was born she was still dirty and i didnt care i had my baby and thats all that mattered...
The rest of the night was just a blur the next thing i remember is waking up in my hospital room and realizing i just had a baby both Daniel and I still couldnt believe it but there she was in our room sleeping like an angel...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Full Moon...

So i was reading somewhere online that more women tend to go into labor during a full moon..

the theory is that the moons gravitational pull effects the amniotic fluid the same way it effects the water in the sea, rivers, and even the water thats otherwise found in our bodies. Under normal circumstances the pressure of labor contraction bursts the sac. During a full moon the pressure caused by the moons effect on the water inside the sac, can cause the same thing to happen without any of the accompanying contractions...

So after reading that i went to see when the next full moon would be and lo and behold the next full moon is September 4 which coinsidentally is my Estimated Due Date!


Monday, August 3, 2009

1 year

So on Saturday August 1 marked our 1 year anniversary as husband and wife. We celebrated by going out to eat and a movie which we haven't been to in a really long time. I know it wasnt much but we are planning on doing something at a later time like going to Vegas (i dont know why, but we both just love to go to vegas...) when we both turn 21